Tamworth pigs on a small farm

Pig Breeds Suited for Hobby and Small Farms in Australia

In Australia, pig breeds like Gloucestershire Old Spot, Large Black, Tamworth, and the Australian Miniature Pig are well-suited for hobby and small farms. These breeds offer diverse adva...
Pot bellied pig in a field

Exploring the Fascinating World of Pig Breeds

Australia offers a diverse selection of pig breeds to cater to different needs. From the Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, and Berkshire for meat production, to the Tamworth for foraging abilities, and ...
The Pros and Cons of Owning a Pig as a Pet

The Pros and Cons of Owning a Pig as a Pet

Pigs can make great pets due to their intelligence and social nature, but their size and dietary needs must be considered. Additionally, legal restrictions may apply, and they may have destructive ...
Pigs in a Field

Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Pigs: Symptoms and Prevention Measures

This article discusses Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in pigs, a viral disease primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. It explains the symptoms of JEV in pigs, its transmi...